          字典找得到 未來都可當姓 "立法院內政委員會昨天初審《姓名條例部分條文修正草案》,外國人歸化台灣國籍後,應取中文姓名;只要康熙字典找得到的字,都可被外籍人士及無國籍者拿來當姓,未來台灣可能怪姓滿天下。"字典找得到 未來都可當姓 You need to kill that reporter and who hired that reporter to write this news, and who hired that who hired that reporter to write this news in that "". Beca 酒店經紀use any Chinese writer must have the common sense to know the sensitive of the words "台灣國籍", anyone cannot have that sensitive, must not be allowed to make living at writing. This said reporter 曾薏蘋 { 更新日期:2009/05/26 02:34 曾薏蘋/台北報導} could get the stick and path to show his or her suck to write news, must be too evil to deserve to know any Chinese writin 永慶房屋g, you have no way to take away his or her Chinese words back, you have to do your duty to kill him or her and those who made that hired immediately. Taiwan already too small to afford more birth, not mention to have any room or space to allow any foreign immigration. You need to kill (Because those so called 立法院內政委員會 obviously committed the crime following USA low lower lowest Congress t 室內設計o try to tool those so called "外國人歸化台灣" for selfish shameless lawless Godless gang and gain to make themselfs to become life time 立法院內政委員 "Wheel". Therefore, you should know how come China Communist not afford to have election, because election makes every one of your citizens life in danger, makes every one of you become the target that underground chained slavery terrors want to kill you to tak 酒店兼職e over the ID you left behind<她說,到大陸是為行銷世運 can tell you how your sucking elected public office abused their public power to eat your tax payers life for their selfish shameless lawless Godless election gang lies gain.>. And because the good better best must the one those underground chained slavery terrors no way to force them to compromise the lie, therefore, a 租辦公室ll your good better best citizens, public workers, politicians must be the one to be finished first, that how Japan had been finished invisibly, you Taiwanese cannot have the good will and strength to seal your border, you must be finished very soon, all your good better best remaining must be gone in very near future without anyone can have the trace to tell @@How can you deal with this evil lie? 1. you need to demand every public worker must not have kid, 面膜 must not have parents, must not have sister or brother, must not have property, must not have bank account, must not single, must not female. If you cannot have enough man fits the qualifications, you don't need to have that public office, like Chinese said "0.缺.5.Long". 2. you need to have a superpowerful election court ##Why you can fight evil doer in front of election court but not criminal court? Because evil doers know how to seek bottom line, they don't know how 訂做禮服 to subject themself to high higher highest standard. Your criminal must have to seek bottom line, your election court must have to look for the best mind.## that formed by the best retired professionals in every job field like Chinese said "Hung.Hung.True.Chwon.Yuan" Free of Charge to be the Judge team to make every election final decision when anyone of the candidate unwilling to concede, that means your election no more be decided by the number of votes, it may decide which candidate can have the best 小額信貸oral fighters team to fit the politician real demanding.@@; that may explain how come that liar fake man 陳菊 < 陳菊:我坐黑牢時 那些獨派在哪 > must have to run to Mainland China to follow the low lower lowest to hail. ) any 立法院內政委員會 who allow any 外國人(not matter that 外國人 looked like Chinese, Asian, White, Black, or Hispanic.)歸化台灣 to get Republic of China passport, or coming or immigrate into Taiwan to become legal or illegal Taiw 酒店經紀an resident. How can you deal with those 外國人 already live in Taiwan too long to be ignored? You can either kill them all or move them all under your military care, they must have to give free decent basic life need, they can be allowed to work for your military, but must not be allowed to read any news, must not be allowed to have computer, must not be allowed to have any contact with anyone else but your military.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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